Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monitoring Search Engine Positions and What It Means For Your Business

Since search engines are the first stop for people on the Internet looking for goods or services, the position your website appears in search results is an important factor. If your URL shows up far down the results list, the chances of the consumer never finding you increase incrementally. Once you achieve a high search engine position, it is essential that you make sure you maintain the high ranking you have worked so hard to achieve.

This means you must come up with a strategy to monitor your search engines positions. This strategy is crucial to the success of any marketing campaign. Think of your search engine positions as your online portfolio. Would you let your stock portfolio be ruled by chance and market fluctuations, or would you keep close tabs on your stocks so you could buy and sell when the time is right? This is the way you must consider your search engines positions.

Spreading A Secret Promotion That Infects The Internet

The internet is loaded with unique and interesting information, ideas, suggestions, and promotional gigs. All of the stuff you can find on the internet is fine and dandy, but does it really meet the need of putting cash into your pockets? Some are good, others are better, some spread wildly infecting everyone it touches. Sound familiar? Maybe it doesn't, or maybe it does? Puzzling, as infections spread they wreak havoc on every one it touches. Infections effect how you live, where you live, and so on.

Free E-Books

Viral promotions do the same thing to your business, only in a positive way. You create a situation so that you can infect as many people as possible. Devising and creating schemes to lure your reader into your snare, and than wrapping them up into you viral spiral. Some promote free ebooks.

Free E-Books and Re sale Rights

You create and compile free ebooks that give your victims large amounts of compelling, and highly useful information. Your victims are compelled to remember your business and name from the satisfaction they have received from the virus you have infected them with. Your victims spread your virus by using your e-book to give to others. Your victims want their brand on the e-book; you can offer them re-sale rights giving them permission to pass the virus onto their victims.

Free Newsletter

The virus you have created requires continuous feeding of knowledge to your infected victims motivated. Offer them another source of compelling, and highly useful information by devising a free newsletter and continue to feed your virus.

Articles Archive page

Allow your victims to feed at their own will by creating a repository of compelling information articles archive for you victims to fester further your virus. Give them permission to spread this information to other victims freely.

Affiliate Program

Allow your victims to share in the fruits of your virus by devising an Affiliate Program and allow them to join your affiliate program. Devise schemes, and tantalize your victims to spread your virus for you.

Reason For Why You Need To Use Landing Pages Online

All the products that you want to sell online are ready. You have already signed up with the Google Adsense program or with other affiliate marketing programs and you have already prepared the ad you want to post on your affiliate's site. Your mind is now set to being the next most successful online businessman. But is there anything else that you might have forgotten to prepare? Maybe none. But how about your landing pages? Are they all set for your business?

Feedburner Solution for adding RSS feeds to Yahoo!

In the last few weeks, adding feeds to My Yahoo has been next to impossible. Here's a solution that worked for me with a feedburner feed.

Why Won't It Add My Feed

If you have a blog, adding it to My Yahoo via a feed is a fairly standard option. To do this, you simply accessed your My Yahoo page, clicked "add content", click "add RSS by url" and then entered your feed. At least it used to be that way.

For the last few weeks, the add content provision for My Yahoo has developed a glitch. Following the above steps simply no longer works. Instead, My Yahoo will show you a preview of your feed, but refuses to actually add it to the My Yahoo page. Why is it My Yahoo will show you a preview, but not add the feed? This realization is followed by an combination of the following: banging head on the desk…rebooting computer…throwing computer…

Feedburner Solution for My Yahoo

First, log into and pull up a My Yahoo page. Next, pull up feedburner.com in a second window. Log in to your account. In the resulting page, you should see a clickable title for your feed. To the immediate left of the title is an "xml" link in light grey. Click it to open a new window.

In the resulting window, you will see a light blue box followed by your feed. In the blue box near the bottom, you should see a "My Yahoo" button. Click it.

At this point, your My Yahoo add content page should appear with a preview of how the page will look in My Yahoo. This will be the same preview you were shown when trying to add the feed the traditional way. Go ahead and click the "add content" button on the top right of the page. You should see a page showing the preview and a message that it has been added.

Once you've done this, it takes up to 10 minutes for the feeds to appear on My Yahoo. I can't promise this will work for everyone.

Good Luck!

Ratio between ads and content

How many times hove you been to a website and could not tell where the ads stop and the content begins? You spend a few minutes trying to figure out what the site does? And then you leave.

Knowing when is enough can be a tricky thing. It also depends on what you're trying to do with your site. If your goal is only to sell stuff on your site then

Web Site Promotion Ideas For Home Businesses

f you have started out on your quest for a successful home business, then you have probably already figured out that your small business venture needs a website to compete with the big boys and maintain every aspect of your relationship with your customers. But once you have your website up and running, you'll need some website promotion ideas so that people know about your website. After all, no one will visit your website if they don't know it exists in the first place.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why Becoming An Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to market online. It is also one of the easiest ways for anyone with a website to make a profit online. Affiliate Marketing is an agreement between a merchant and a website owner. The website owner, or the affiliate, allows the use of their site for the promotion of the merchant's products by linking to the merchant's website. In exchange, the merchant pays a commission to the affiliate on all sales generated by the affiliate. Every time someone clicks on the link on the affiliate website and proceeds to make a purchase, the affiliate gets a commission. The merchant will pay the affiliate only when a customer clicks on the product link and makes a purchase.

Use Press Releases to Promote Your Site, Gain Valuable Back Links and Rank Higher in The Search Engines

If you are into search engine optimization (SEO), there is a great way to increase your presence on the web and rank higher in the page rankings- its called press releases. Just like newspapers and fortune 500 companies release press releases, so can you.

A press release is a document that is released to news organization and information services. If you have breaking news such as a great new product, a new service being offered or your company is now in a new market, then a press release can help spread awareness whether on the internet or off.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Top Five Tips For Starting A Virtual/Internet Business

Are you a virtual worker or thinking of becoming one? If you are, you're not alone. There's been a rise in virtual workers of 800 percent in just the past five years (Nemertes Research 2005). A big reason for this dramatic increase is that it's a great way to start a company, especially if you can work from a home office or out in the field.

With that in mind, a team of experts at Hewlett-Packard came up with these five tips on how to successfully operate a business from your home.

What is Blogging?

It is hard not to at least notice the word "blog" or "blogging", with the frequency it seems to pop up in subjects ranging from politics to pornstars. Odds are that you have noticed it unless you have been living in a cave for the last four years. But even with that kind of familiarity of the word, few can say exactly what a blog is.

To understand the blog, first of all a little history is in order. The word "blog" is short for the word "weblog". A weblog is a word coined early in the internet age to designate a journal or diary type page mainly consisting of personal thoughts and reflections. Most of the time it is updated frequently and can range in topic from the mundane to the profound. Sound familiar? It should. What it really is when you get rid of the hype is the good old fashioned diary which has been with us almost as long as language itself.

25 Tips for Marketing your Blog

With so many blogs being created every day, it's a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. It's simple. People want to read good content, and with good content comes ad revenue. Well, maybe it's not that easy… We've finally unleashed the secrets of successful blog marketing. Do note that these are not guaranteed to increase your click-through ratios and they will not bring good karma to you or your ads.. If only.. Nonetheless, these tips should benefit your blog and make it more user-friendly, more easily accessible, and more content-enabled.

How to find the right product in affiliate programs

Of course, you can promote your own products or services if you have ones. This is the best option to succeed because this way you receive a 100% profit of what you sell. Another way is to buy resale rights, promote the products using AdWords and keep all the profits too.

However, majority of us do not have our own products or services. Therefore, we can join various affiliate programs and promote them. However, what programs to join?

Get over 300 Backlinks in under one hour without paying

We have a great website, but little or NO visitors. Now what is a website without traffic?
It's like an old book lying full of dust cause nobody uses it.

What we want is traffic and loads of it. And would it not be great if we can get it without paying? So how do we go about to get MORE TRAFFIC? You know, theres a lot of Article Directories spread accross the internet which give Article Writers (Authors) the opportunity to post their articles there for free with a free backlink to their sites.

Recognizing The Signs Of Click Fraud

Search engine marketing is a billion dollar industry-but click fraud poses a threat to search engine advertising companies and online marketers alike. Pay-Per-Click ad campaigns are a fairly simple concept; advertisers bid on popular search keywords and pay the search engine ad companies every time someone clicks on their ad. This is a mutually beneficial relationship for the advertiser and the search engine company. The problem comes when the advertisers' numbers-and their bills-are falsely inflated through click fraud.

What is Click Fraud?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Build your own Internet Marketing Company

The world of the Internet seems to be expanding by leaps and bounds lately – so much so that you might be thinking about putting up your own Internet Marketing Company so you can compete in this field. But before you start shelling out your hard-earned money to put up that Internet Marketing Company you have been dreaming about, it helps to find out what the ground rules are first.

First, you really cannot get around the fact that you need pretty extensive awareness, knowledge, and maybe experience in the Information Technology aspect side for your Internet Marketing Company.

12 Golden Ezine Publishing Tips

1. Post testimonials for your ezine on your site.

You'll be able to increase your ezine's credibility by sharing how your ezine has benefited your readers.

2. Include a few testimonials for your business in
each issue.

In addition, to using testimonials for your ezine, use testimonials for your products within your ezine that share your customers' favorable feedback.

How to deal with Public Serving ads on your Website/Blog

Many of us start out with websites that we want to generate some income with, so we think that Google is the one and only solution to our desire or even our need to earn some extra money. And, it's fair to say that a lot of money can be made with the use of Google ads on one's website, but only if they work correctly. Money is made on these ads when relevant ads are posted on our website so that visitors can click on them and we can be compensated for every click! Unfortunately, a good deal of the time one will visit their website only to find that public service ads have been placed on their website by Google, and these ads don't pay at all when your visitors click on them.

Three-Way Link Exchange

Website promotion is getting easier everyday because of the many methods you can do to advertise sites. One new strategy is what we call three-way link exchange. Asking a webmaster to trade links with you, or also known as two-way link exchange, is now common to most people. But this new strategy that we're talking about is not yet used by many. Let us first review some common terms and its definitions.

2 Effective Ways To Maximize Your Adsense Earnings

Most webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them use it to go after high paying keywords. They have with them the lists that tells what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed-to-be high paying keywords into their pages, the money they expected to come rolling in is not really coming in.

What is it that they are doing wrong?

Earn money from RSS

You probably know that RSS stands for "Remote Site Syndication", but what does that really mean to you as a marketer and more importantly can you use RSS to make money online?

As you keep reading you will learn to understand the benefits of using this recent technology in your internet marketing efforts to increase traffic and profits.

Plainly put, RSS feeds are printed in XML, a unique mark up dialect much like html. That means that they have mechanisms included that detect structures in a file.

How to fight click fraud in Google Adwords

Click fraud is a very real concern for anybody who is doing CPC marketing. Click fraud involves any artificially created click on your ad. A human being can create these clicks, or a software program called a clickbot can create them.

These clicks unfortunately cost you money.

Tips For Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

The two most successful techniques for enhancing your online image are: search engine optimization, and pay per click advertising campaigns.

Basically it's all about helping customers find your website and business. A pay per click advertising campaign is easy to start. You open an account and deposit some money as a starting balance with the search engine company that you are advertising with. You enter your site's URL, title and description and bid on relevant keywords. A site selling wine might bid on keywords such as "wine", "red wine", "wine club" etc.

How To Get Your Articles Seen By More People

These are the 10 things which you should always keep in mind while writing, posting or publishing an article -

1. Proofread your article. Proofread your article. Proofread your article. You would not believe how many spelling and grammatical errors I see.

2. Follow the submission guidelines. Some sites allow links in the article, most don't. Some sites all 3 links in the author's resource box, some allow only 1 or 2.

What Is Spam?

You have probably seen an increase in the amount of junk mail which shows up in your email box, or on your favorite newsgroup. The activities of a small number of people are becoming a bigger problem for the Internet.

Chain letters that ask for money, whether for reports or just straight up, are illegal in the US whether they are in postal mail or e-mail. Report these frauds to your local US Postmaster.

Useless Spyware

Have you asked yourself any of these questions lately?

1. Why is my brand new computer slowing down to a crawl?
2. Why is it taking so long to load a basic word processor?
3. Why do I have so many popups? Where are they coming from?
4. Why do I keep being sent to places I did not ask to go?
5. Where are these embarassing popups coming from? I never visit sites like that!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Avoid Phishing Scams

In today's world the Internet is becoming as common as sliced bread. Most people use it to send e-mails, browse for information, carry out banking transactions, and shop. So it shouldn't be a surprise that some people are embracing the technology for less-than-kosher purposes. Phishing scams in particular are a major concern. Luckily, if you want to avoid becoming the next victim of identity theft, there are ways to protect yourself from harm.

What exactly is phishing (pronounced "fishing")? Phishers use e-mail, brand hijacking, and scare tactics to catch uninformed people off guard and steal their private information. Usually these scammers operate by sending out a whole bunch of spam e-mails to a long list of recipients. Each message is made to look as if it comes from a trustworthy company, such as eBay or a big banking institution.

Domain Name Renewals

Domain registration and domain name renewals s can be loaded with problems if you are not careful in selecting your registrar and fully understanding the terms and conditions associated with renewing domain names.

As a general rule, when renewing domain names - don't leave it to the last minute! Domain name renewal should occur at least 2 months ahead of expiration. Your domain name registration period will continue to run from the expiration date so you don't lose by earlier domain renewals.

How to explode traffic to your website for free

You know, almost everybody nowadays owns a website. But what good is it when NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY, knows about it?. You could tell your friends and familybout it and surely they way pay it a visit, but that will basically be all.

What you want is traffic, thousands of hits per day. Maybe you have some affiliate links on your site and hope to make a few bucks off it. Or maybe you got a blog and want loads of people to join in your discussion.

Create A Free Web Page Online Today

So you're interested in getting your own free website, excellent!

Funny enough, this is how I started out on the internet and look what has happened! Anyway, a free website is good because you can use it for many things. These include

Reselling Resold Resale Rights.

What the heck am I talking about?

Let me tell you that this will be one of my 'Chilli Pepper' articles, it's HOT and very controversial.

If you've spent anything more than 5 minutes in the Internet Marketing world, you will most probably come across something called 'Resale Rights' / or often called Reprint Rights.

This is where the creator / owner of the product, which could be an ebook, course, script or software, gives you permission to sell the product -and typically to keep all the proceeds - i.e. 100% profit to you.

How to Hunt for Big-Game Backlinks

In this, we will get you started on where to start looking for backlinks so you can begin to build traffic, get more clients, and sell more products.

Getting started

As a coach, you are probably the last person who needs to hear this, but just like any endeavor, it's good to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timed) goals.

For example, if you aren't getting any action at your web site because you have very little traffic, then a good goal would be five inquiries a month, six months from now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Six Tips For Successful Affiliates Marketing

Affiliate marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Affiliate programs offer merchants the opportunity to employ vast armies of sales people who only get paid for the results they achieve. Many beginners to affiliate marketing can also enjoy the fact that they can start an internet business even if they only have a shoestring budget.
Just about every affiliate program I have been involved with and researched comes complete with a website all ready set up to take orders. They even come with sales letters and ads that you can use.

The importance of relevant backlinks

Most webmasters are aware of the importance of backlinks and any experienced webmaster will definately work very hard to get as much as possible backlinks to his / her site.

While backlinks are very important, it is not all backlinks that carry weight. What I mean by this, is that not any backlink will increase your traffic. The important thing about backlinks are that they must be relevant links. Thh simply means that the sites that are linking to your site, must be about the same topics to let that backlink count.

What is "RSS" and Do I Need It?

RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is the talk around the net these days because of its many benefits. However many people are not really clear exactly what RSS is?
Here is a definition of what RSS(Real Simple Syndication) "IS" in plain English for those of you who are NEW to it and for those of you who are still a little bit confused about it and its uses.

RSS is an Acronym. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary". RSS content is delivered through RSS feeds. These are simple files structured in a specific way. [A type of xml] The XML file is the format used for distributing YOUR news headlines via the Web, which is known as "Syndication".

Make Money on Internet : Promote the product not the program

Allan Gardyne a well-known affiliate marketers on the Web, gives various pieces of advice in order to earn money online. Promote the product and not the program is one of these ones. However, some people seem to have not listened to this uttermost advice of one of the successful men on the net.

For Gardyne there are thousands of ways to promote affiliate products, but the worst way of doing it is promoting the programs, since the important thing to do is to assess your own skills and interests, using your strengths.

Defeat SPAM in simple ways

GMail SPAM filter is fighting a losing battle. I am doing some ANTI-SPAM testing. For the past 4 months I have been very public with my Gmail email address, signing up for newsletters, using it on forms, and sharing it publicly on forums, blogs, and discussion boards. I expected to get SPAMMED to death, that's exactly what's beginning to happen. Everyday, I receive about 20 junk emails. I know that is small, but for someone who is use to never seeing SPAM in their inbox, it's a quite bit.

Internet Goldrush

We were taught in school about the gold rushes. There were a few of them. There was the California gold rush, Klondike gold rush, and Australian rush. Now there were more but just to name a few. People sold and gave up everything to go and hunt for gold. They had no idea how to do it. They figured they learn when they got there. As we all know most lost everything and their lives went to pot. There were many that succeed too.

Marketers Use Giveaways To Drive Web Traffic

In 1999, as many of the dot-coms crashed, a new form of consumer marketing was taking hold on the Internet. Web marketers, hungry to drive sales on e-commerce sites, launched affiliate networks that represented leading advertisers such as BMG, Blockbuster, NetFlix, Discover Card and hundreds of others in what is known as "affiliate marketing."

As affiliate networks grew, they provided savvy marketers with the opportunity to earn big commissions by generating sales for advertisers through the marketing of free gift sites online.

Why self-publishing in e-book format is better today.

Today, more than ever before authors are presented with publishing opportunities that have never existed before. This is not to understate the hard work that authors have to go through to get recognition, write great books, and make a full time living from their passion of expression. However, it is to say that today, due to advances in communications technology, authors can now get their books distributed much easier than they could a decade ago. One very popular way that authors are distributing their work is digitally through ebooks. Digital books are gaining so much popularity that even some of the most popular authors in the world have used it to distribute their books.

The Devaluation Of Reciprocal Links

Three or four years ago a massive link trading campaign could get your site to the top of the Search Engine Rankings (SERPs). However, things are changing quickly concerning reciprocal links. Companies like LinkAdage [ http://www.linkadage.com] are receiving increased reports that reciprocal links are becoming a less effective part of SEO. In fact, it now seems sites that go overboard with reciprocal link campaigns are getting penalized in the SERPs by having most of their reciprocal links completely ignored by the search engines.

Adding to the problem are the Link Exchange Networks that are popping up all over the web that put websites at risks associated with being part of an artificial linking network. Remember, any "link network scheme" is only as strong as its weakest link. It is to your advantage to stay away from these link exchange network schemes, programs, or clubs if you want to keep the search engines happy. If your dead set on trading links, do your trades one-on-one with other webmasters and not through some multi-level like link trading scheme. Remember, if you participate in an artificial link exchange network, one slight algorithm adjustment can knock all the participating sites out of the search index in one swoop.

Websites should have no more than 15% reciprocal or traded links. The key ingredient to SEO linkage strategy is to make your backlink structure look natural. Websites with huge amounts of reciprocal backlinks and few one-way links are clearly trying to game the search engines and today's search engines algorithms are smart enough to spot and penalize these websites by potentially ignoring all of their reciprocal links. If you have gone too far with your reciprocal linking program, you are at risk of those links simply not being counted. This makes it extremely important to only use reciprocal links in moderation.

If you read any of the major search engine forums, you will see lots of threads about established websites that have been top 10 in the SERPs for years, suddenly dropping to the top 100 without making any changes. I have had the privilege of studying many of the affected sites, and the common denominator seems to be an over reliance on reciprocal linking programs. We believe that reciprocal links that formally counted as "real" backlinks are now being seen for what they are – links traded to game the search engine algorithms. If a website passes the 20% reciprocal link threshold, there is a very real danger that all of its reciprocal links will be discounted. The effect of this can be a disastrous drop in the SERPs. It seems many websites that have thousands of reciprocal links suddenly are only being credited for a handful of natural links they have accumulated over the years.

So what can you do?

If your website currently ranks well but relies heavily on reciprocal links to achieve its good rankings, now is the time to start figuring out a strategy to increase your percentage of one-way links to reciprocal links ratio. Here are a few simple things you can do to achieve this goal:

** Offer something on your site that inspires other webmasters to link to your website
** Write articles for content hungry sites in exchange for a link to your website
** Eliminate any cross-linking between your own sites
** Delete some of your reciprocal links to garbage websites
** Delete reciprocal links to totally unrelated websites
** Delete any reciprocal links received though participation in an artificial link network scheme.
** Start buying one-way links from related websites

When your website need a dedicated IP address

For the basic needs, when you are running a ecommerce website, and you look forward to have own ssl certificate. Then its time to get a dedicated IP address. It's the requirement for applying for a ssl certificate. Else you will be using the free shared ssl, which appear to have extra steps for users to make payment after they checkout. Private SSL are essential for your ecommerce store.

In fact dedicated IP address, allow your website to be access directly through IP address instead of domain name. This is a extra advantage in term of speed of locating the website and speed of retrieving content. In large website architecture, each website will be having their own dedicated IP address. Its not build on shared ip address platform, which appear to be the 'budget' solution. If you need a fast website, get a dedicated IP.

Its appear that recent months, some ISP are blocking certain IP address, especially the China ISP are blocking the IP address to certain US hosting provider website. With the blocking, the website is not accessible by china visitors. For this, you will need to find a dedicated IP address, and you will free from the blocking issue.

Phishing Scams, A Growing Identity Theft Menace

There is no doubt that identity theft is a growing problem and we should all try to educate ourselves to avoid being a victim of this often devastating crime. It seems that criminals are using increasingly ingenious methods to gain access to our private and valuable personal information and computer users must be aware of criminal information gathering techniques known as phishing.

You may have heard about phishing scams in the news recently because so many have fallen prey to this clever methodology employed by tech savvy criminals. We are all busy in todays fast paced world and it's hard to keep up with every new threat and development so the purpose of this article is to describe what phishing is, and how you can avoid being a victim.

Viral Buzz Blogs Launches Toothbrush Entrepreneur

Austin entrepreneur, Richard Trocino had a great product idea. And, like thousands of other innovative inventors with a new product concept, bringing that idea into a marketplace dominated by long established brands with deep links and dominance in the retail outlets is challenging. In these days of mega corporations and Walmarts, VCs and small business defined by the government in the land of opportunity, one entrepreneur with a grand idea or product may be considered by any of those groups as irrelevant and insignificant. Another challenge faced by small businesses in today's marketplace, like in Trocino's case, is getting an idea produced and generating sales.

Exploit Adsense Earnings

Having the pages with the proper keywords is one thing, but motivating visitors to those pages is another matter and often that part that is lacking.

You need to optimize your site navigation.

Think about how visitors are using your website. After a visitor has landed on a certain page, they have the trend to click on another page that sounds appealing. They get there because of the other links that appears on a page that they initially landed on. It's all about enabling visitors to move about your site.

Tips For Buying Collectibles On eBay.

Buying collectibles is one of the most enjoyable things to do on eBay, simply because you can find so many things that you just can't get anywhere else. Here are a few tips to help you on your way.

Find your Category.

You'll probably find that all the items you're after are listed in a single category. Add this category to your browser's Favorites, and keep coming back.

RSS Provides Multiple Opportunities to Share Your Information

RSS content syndication is a relatively new member of the internet marketing family of campaign options. And, it seems as though new uses for RSS content are coming about very quickly. This is possibly due to recent changes in the way that major search engines like Yahoo! and Google want web site owners to advertise.

It seems like it shouldn't matter to the search engines – the way you choose to market your website. But, it does when your link popularity begins to fall due to too many links on irrelevant web directories, etc. With RSS content syndication, you will not face that problem. And the better your content, the better the chances of increasing your standing with the search engines (not to mention your site visitors).